Source code for awstin.dynamodb.orm

import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Union

from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr as BotoAttr
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key as BotoKey

from awstin.dynamodb.utils import from_decimal, to_decimal

class NotSet:
    A value of an attribute on a data model is not present in a DynamoDB result

    def __str__(self):
        return "<<Attribute not set>>"

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<<Attribute not set>>"

NOT_SET = NotSet()

class BaseAttribute:
    def __init__(self, attribute_name: Union[str, None] = None):
        attribute_name : str, optional
            Name of the property in the DynamoDB table. Defaults to the name of
            the attribute on the DynamoModel class.
        # Set by user
        self._attribute_name = attribute_name

        # Set by Model
        self._name_on_model = None

    def _awstin_name(self):
        if self._attribute_name is not None:
            return self._attribute_name
            return self._name_on_model

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Support for nested mapping queries
            return super().__getattr__(name)
        except AttributeError:
            return type(self)(attribute_name=f"{self._awstin_name}.{name}")

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        Support for nested container queries
        return type(self)(attribute_name=f"{self._awstin_name}[{index}]")

    # --- Query and scan filter expressions ---

    def begins_with(self, value):
        Filter results by a key or attribute beginning with a value

        value : str
            Starting string for returned results
        return self._query_type(self._awstin_name).begins_with(to_decimal(value))

    def between(self, low, high):
        Filter results by range (inclusive)

        low : Any
            Low end of the range
        high : Any
            High end of the range
        return self._query_type(self._awstin_name).between(

    def __eq__(self, value):
        return self._query_type(self._awstin_name).eq(to_decimal(value))

    def __gt__(self, value):
        return self._query_type(self._awstin_name).gt(to_decimal(value))

    def __ge__(self, value):
        return self._query_type(self._awstin_name).gte(to_decimal(value))

    def __lt__(self, value):
        return self._query_type(self._awstin_name).lt(to_decimal(value))

    def __le__(self, value):
        return self._query_type(self._awstin_name).lte(to_decimal(value))

    def attribute_type(self, value):
        Filter results by attribute type

        value : str
            Index for a DynamoDB attribute type (e.g. "N" for Number)
        return BotoAttr(self._awstin_name).attribute_type(to_decimal(value))

    def contains(self, value):
        Filter results by attributes that are containers and contain the target

        values : Any
            Result must contain this item
        return BotoAttr(self._awstin_name).contains(to_decimal(value))

    def exists(self):
        Filter results by existence of an attribute
        return BotoAttr(self._awstin_name).exists()

    def in_(self, values):
        Filter results by existence in a set

        values : list of Any
            Allowed values of returned results
        in_values = [to_decimal(value) for value in values]
        return BotoAttr(self._awstin_name).is_in(in_values)

    def __ne__(self, value):
        return BotoAttr(self._awstin_name).ne(to_decimal(value))

    def not_exists(self):
        Filter results by non-existence of an attribute
        return BotoAttr(self._awstin_name).not_exists()

    def size(self):
        Filter by size of a collection
        return Size(self._awstin_name)

    # --- Update expressions ---

    def set(self, expression):
        Set an attribute to a new value.
        Corresponds to SET as part of the update expression in

        expression : UpdateOperand
            New value, or an expression defining a new value
        return SetOperator(self, UpdateOperand(expression))

    def remove(self):
        Remove an attribute.
        Corresponds to REMOVE as part of the update expression in
        return RemoveOperator(self)

    def add(self, expression):
        Add to an attribute (numerical add or addition to a set).
        Corresponds to ADD as part of the update expression in

        expression : UpdateOperand
            Value to add
        return AddOperator(self, UpdateOperand(expression))

    def delete(self, expression):
        Delete part of a set attribute.
        Corresponds to DELETE as part of the update expression in

        expression : UpdateOperand
            Value to delete
        return DeleteOperator(self, UpdateOperand(expression))

    def __add__(self, other):
        return CombineOperand(UpdateOperand(self), UpdateOperand(other), "+")

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return CombineOperand(UpdateOperand(self), UpdateOperand(other), "-")

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return CombineOperand(UpdateOperand(other), UpdateOperand(self), "+")

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return CombineOperand(UpdateOperand(other), UpdateOperand(self), "-")

    def if_not_exists(self, value):
        Conditionally return a value if this attribute doesn't exist on the
        return IfNotExistsOperand(UpdateOperand(self), UpdateOperand(value))

[docs]class Key(BaseAttribute): """ Used to define and query hash and sort key attributes on a dynamodb table data model """ _query_type = BotoKey
[docs]class Attr(BaseAttribute): """ Used to define and query non-key attributes on a dynamodb table data model """ _query_type = BotoAttr
def size_query(self, *args, **kwargs): return BotoAttr(self._awstin_name).size() class Size(BaseAttribute): _query_type = size_query class DynamoModelMeta(type): def __getattribute__(self, name): attr = super().__getattribute__(name) if isinstance(attr, BaseAttribute): attr._name_on_model = name return attr else: return attr def _dynamodb_attributes(self): result = { getattr(self, attr)._awstin_name: attr for attr in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self, attr), BaseAttribute) } return result def _get_kwargs(self): """ Kwargs that should be passed to query, scan, get_item """ return { **self._dynamo_projection(), **self._index_kwargs(), } def _dynamo_projection(self): """ Attributes to request when retrieving data from DynamoDB Returns ------- dict kwargs to be passed to DynamoDB get attribute calls to employ a projection expression and placeholders """ placeholders = { "#" + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]: value for value in self._dynamodb_attributes().keys() } expression = ", ".join(placeholders.keys()) return dict( ProjectionExpression=expression, ExpressionAttributeNames=placeholders, ) def _index_kwargs(self): if hasattr(self, "_index_name_"): return dict( IndexName=self._index_name_, ) else: return {}
[docs]class DynamoModel(metaclass=DynamoModelMeta): """ Class defining an ORM model for a DynamoDB table. Subclasses must have a ``_table_name_`` attribute. Attributes making up the data model should be Attr or Key instances. Subclasses representing indexes should also have an ``_index_name_`` attribute """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict of (str, Any) Initialization of Attr and Key attributes. """ model_attrs = type(self)._dynamodb_attributes().values() for name in model_attrs: setattr(self, name, NOT_SET) for name, value in kwargs.items(): if name not in model_attrs: msg = f"{type(self)!r} has no attribute {name!r}" raise AttributeError(msg) setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data): """ Deserialize JSON into a DynamoModel subclass. Internally converts Decimal to float in the deserialization. Parameters ---------- data : dict of (str, Any) Serialized model Returns ------- DynamoModel The deserialized data model """ model_attrs = cls._dynamodb_attributes() result = cls() for attr in model_attrs.values(): setattr(result, attr, NOT_SET) for db_attr, value in data.items(): if db_attr in model_attrs.keys(): if type(value) in [list, set, tuple]: value = type(value)(from_decimal(v) for v in value) elif type(value) is dict: value = {from_decimal(k): from_decimal(v) for k, v in value.items()} else: value = from_decimal(value) setattr(result, model_attrs[db_attr], value) return result
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serialize a DynamoModel subclass to JSON that can be inserted into DynamoDB. Internally converts float to Decimal. Returns ------- dict of (str, Any) The serialized JSON entry """ model_attrs = type(self)._dynamodb_attributes() result = {} for dynamo_name, model_name in model_attrs.items(): value = getattr(self, model_name) if value is not NOT_SET: if type(value) in [list, set, tuple]: value = type(value)(to_decimal(v) for v in value) elif type(value) is dict: value = {to_decimal(k): to_decimal(v) for k, v in value.items()} else: value = to_decimal(value) result[dynamo_name] = value return result
# ---- Update Operators class UpdateOperator(ABC): """ A representation of an UpdateItem expression """ def __and__(self, other): """ Combine two update expressions """ return CombineOperator(self, other) @abstractmethod def update_dict(self): pass @staticmethod def update_expression(update_dict): expressions = [] for operation in "SET", "ADD", "DELETE", "REMOVE": if update_dict.get(operation): expressions.append(operation + " " + ", ".join(update_dict[operation])) return " ".join(expressions) def serialize(self): """ Produce kwargs to be passed to DynamoDB Table.update_item. Keys and values are: "UpdateExpression": string representing the update expression "ExpressionAttributeNames": Placeholder map for attribute names "ExpressionAttributeValues": Placeholder map for attribute values Returns ------- dict Kwargs for update_item """ update_dict = self.update_dict() result = { "UpdateExpression": self.update_expression(update_dict), } if update_dict["ExpressionAttributeNames"]: result["ExpressionAttributeNames"] = update_dict["ExpressionAttributeNames"] if update_dict["ExpressionAttributeValues"]: result["ExpressionAttributeValues"] = update_dict[ "ExpressionAttributeValues" ] return result class CombineOperator(UpdateOperator): """ Combine two update expressions """ def __init__(self, left, right): self.left = left self.right = right def update_dict(self): result = defaultdict(list) ser_left = self.left.update_dict() ser_right = self.right.update_dict() items = list(ser_left.items()) + list(ser_right.items()) for key, values in items: if key in ["SET", "ADD", "DELETE", "REMOVE"]: result[key].extend(values) result["ExpressionAttributeNames"] = dict( **ser_left["ExpressionAttributeNames"], **ser_right["ExpressionAttributeNames"], ) result["ExpressionAttributeValues"] = dict( **ser_left["ExpressionAttributeValues"], **ser_right["ExpressionAttributeValues"], ) return result class SetOperator(UpdateOperator): """ Support for SET """ def __init__(self, attr, operand): self.attr = attr self.operand = operand def update_dict(self): serialized_attr = itemize_attr(self.attr) serialized_operand = self.operand.serialize() attribute_names = dict( **serialized_operand["ExpressionAttributeNames"], **serialized_attr["ExpressionAttributeNames"], ) return { "SET": [ f"{serialized_attr['UpdateExpression']} = " + serialized_operand["UpdateExpression"] ], "ExpressionAttributeNames": attribute_names, "ExpressionAttributeValues": serialized_operand[ "ExpressionAttributeValues" ], } class AddOperator(UpdateOperator): def __init__(self, attr, operand): self.attr = attr self.operand = operand def update_dict(self): serialized_attr = itemize_attr(self.attr) serialized_operand = self.operand.serialize() attribute_names = dict( **serialized_operand["ExpressionAttributeNames"], **serialized_attr["ExpressionAttributeNames"], ) return { "ADD": [ f"{serialized_attr['UpdateExpression']} " + serialized_operand["UpdateExpression"] ], "ExpressionAttributeNames": attribute_names, "ExpressionAttributeValues": serialized_operand[ "ExpressionAttributeValues" ], } class RemoveOperator(UpdateOperator): def __init__(self, attr): self.attr = attr def update_dict(self): serialized_attr = itemize_attr(self.attr) return { "REMOVE": [serialized_attr["UpdateExpression"]], "ExpressionAttributeNames": serialized_attr["ExpressionAttributeNames"], "ExpressionAttributeValues": {}, } class DeleteOperator(UpdateOperator): def __init__(self, attr, operand): self.attr = attr self.operand = operand def update_dict(self): serialized_attr = itemize_attr(self.attr) serialized_operand = self.operand.serialize() attribute_names = dict( **serialized_operand["ExpressionAttributeNames"], **serialized_attr["ExpressionAttributeNames"], ) return { "DELETE": [ f"{serialized_attr['UpdateExpression']} " + serialized_operand["UpdateExpression"] ], "ExpressionAttributeNames": attribute_names, "ExpressionAttributeValues": serialized_operand[ "ExpressionAttributeValues" ], } # ---- Update Operands def serialize_operand(value): name = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] if isinstance(value, UpdateOperand): return value.serialize() elif isinstance(value, BaseAttribute): return itemize_attr(value) elif type(value) in [list, set, tuple]: name = ":" + name value = type(value)([to_decimal(v) for v in value]) return { "UpdateExpression": name, "ExpressionAttributeNames": {}, "ExpressionAttributeValues": {name: value}, } else: name = ":" + name return { "UpdateExpression": name, "ExpressionAttributeNames": {}, "ExpressionAttributeValues": {name: to_decimal(value)}, } def itemize_attr(attr): # Separate indexes parts = [] current_section = "" for letter in attr._awstin_name: if letter == "[": parts.append(current_section) current_section = "[" elif letter == "]": parts.append(current_section + "]") current_section = "" else: current_section += letter if current_section: parts.append(current_section) serialized = "" name_map = {} # Separate attributes for part in parts: if "[" in part and "]" in part: serialized += part else: if part.startswith("."): serialized += "." part = part[1:] sections = part.split(".") serialized_sections = [] for section in sections: name = "#" + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] name_map[name] = section serialized_sections.append(name) serialized += ".".join(serialized_sections) result = { "UpdateExpression": serialized, "ExpressionAttributeNames": name_map, "ExpressionAttributeValues": {}, } return result class UpdateOperand: """ Inner part of an update expression """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def serialize(self): return serialize_operand(self.value) class CombineOperand(UpdateOperand): """ Add or subtact two expressions """ def __init__(self, left, right, symbol): self.left = left self.right = right self.symbol = symbol def serialize(self): ser_left = serialize_operand(self.left) ser_right = serialize_operand(self.right) expression = ( f"{ser_left['UpdateExpression']} " f"{self.symbol} " f"{ser_right['UpdateExpression']}" ) return { "UpdateExpression": expression, "ExpressionAttributeNames": dict( **ser_left["ExpressionAttributeNames"], **ser_right["ExpressionAttributeNames"], ), "ExpressionAttributeValues": dict( **ser_left["ExpressionAttributeValues"], **ser_right["ExpressionAttributeValues"], ), } class IfNotExistsOperand(UpdateOperand): """ Set a value if the given attribute does not exist """ def __init__(self, attr, value): self.attr = attr self.value = value def serialize(self): ser_attr = serialize_operand(self.attr) ser_value = serialize_operand(self.value) expression = ( f"if_not_exists({ser_attr['UpdateExpression']}, " f"{ser_value['UpdateExpression']})" ) return { "UpdateExpression": expression, "ExpressionAttributeNames": dict( **ser_attr["ExpressionAttributeNames"], **ser_value["ExpressionAttributeNames"], ), "ExpressionAttributeValues": dict( **ser_attr["ExpressionAttributeValues"], **ser_value["ExpressionAttributeValues"], ), } class ListAppendOperand(UpdateOperand): """ Combine two lists """ def __init__(self, left, right): self.left = left self.right = right def serialize(self): ser_left = serialize_operand(self.left) ser_right = serialize_operand(self.right) expression = ( f"list_append({ser_left['UpdateExpression']}, " f"{ser_right['UpdateExpression']})" ) return { "UpdateExpression": expression, "ExpressionAttributeNames": dict( **ser_left["ExpressionAttributeNames"], **ser_right["ExpressionAttributeNames"], ), "ExpressionAttributeValues": dict( **ser_left["ExpressionAttributeValues"], **ser_right["ExpressionAttributeValues"], ), }
[docs]def list_append(left, right): """ Set a value to the combination of two lists in an update expression """ return ListAppendOperand(UpdateOperand(left), UpdateOperand(right))