Source code for awstin.dynamodb.testing

import contextlib
import warnings

from awstin.dynamodb import DynamoDB

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_dynamodb_table( data_model, hashkey_name, hashkey_type="S", sortkey_name=None, sortkey_type="S", delay=5.0, max_attempts=10, extra_attributes=None, **extra_kwargs, ): """ Context manager creating a temporary DynamoDB table for testing. Ensures that the table is created and destroyed before entering and exiting the context. Parameters ---------- data_model : DynamoModel Model to interface with this table hashkey_name : str Name of the hash key of the table hashkey_type : str, optional Type of the hash key ("S", "N", or "B"). Default "S" sortkey_name : str, optional Optional sort key for the temporary table sortkey_type : str, optional Type of the sort key if there is one ("S", "N", or "B"). Default "S" delay : float, optional Delay in seconds between checks if the table exists max_attempts : int, optional Max number of attempts to check if the table exists, after which the client gives up. extra_attributes : dict, optional Additional attribute definitions (boto3 specification) **extra_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass to create_table """ # TODO: make filter more specific warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning) table_name = data_model._table_name_ dynamodb = DynamoDB() attribute_definitions = [ { "AttributeName": hashkey_name, "AttributeType": hashkey_type, }, ] key_schema = [ { "AttributeName": hashkey_name, "KeyType": "HASH", }, ] if sortkey_name is not None and sortkey_type is not None: attribute_definitions.append( { "AttributeName": sortkey_name, "AttributeType": sortkey_type, } ) key_schema.append( { "AttributeName": sortkey_name, "KeyType": "RANGE", }, ) if extra_attributes: attribute_definitions.extend(extra_attributes) dynamodb.client.create_table( TableName=table_name, AttributeDefinitions=attribute_definitions, KeySchema=key_schema, ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 123, "WriteCapacityUnits": 123}, **extra_kwargs, ) exists_waiter = dynamodb.client.get_waiter("table_exists") not_exists_waiter = dynamodb.client.get_waiter("table_not_exists") result = exists_waiter.wait( TableName=table_name, WaiterConfig={ "Delay": delay, "MaxAttempts": max_attempts, }, ) if result is not None: raise RuntimeError("Could not create table {!r}".format(table_name)) try: yield dynamodb[data_model] finally: dynamodb.client.delete_table(TableName=table_name) result = not_exists_waiter.wait( TableName=table_name, WaiterConfig={ "Delay": delay, "MaxAttempts": max_attempts, }, ) if result is not None: msg = "Could not delete table {!r}" raise RuntimeError(msg.format(table_name))